
Movie Planchette available on Amazon Prime Video in the USA, UK & Ireland

Teaser of Planchette  Indian International movie "Planchette" featured in the prominent American Site 1888.  News of Planchette published from Texas (America). Watch it here: *Movie "Planchette" link on Amazon Prime Video (USA):  Amazon Prime Video USA link *Movie "Planchette" link on Amazon Prime Video (UK & Ireland):  Amazon Prime Video UK & Ireland link

Rock Garden

"Rock Garden", a hidden paradise, tells the inspiring tale of Nek Chand, a government official who secretly transformed a dense forest into a breathtaking sculpture garden. This intimate documentary explores his unwavering passion, artistic genius, and the profound impact of his unique vision on the world. Genre: Documentary Film Run Time: 20 Minutes  Country of Origin: India Year of Production: 2024 Written by: Bharati Babbar  Produced by: Pomy Films  Camera/Editing/Direction: Sunil Babbar 

Planchette movie

  News of Movie Planchette


Sunil Babbar's Hindi feature film "Planchette", featuring Sunil Babbar, Harshita Ruhela & Jatin Goswami is available on Amazon Prime Video at this link:

Ganga & Me

**Project Overview  * Title: Ganga & Me  * Primary Language: English   * Closed Captions: English  * Run Time: 49 Minutes  * Country of Production: India  * Year of Production: 2025  * Genre: Docu-Feature  **Sales Pitch: A Docu-Feature film shot in the beautiful locales of Haridwar, Rishikesh and Varanasi in India, presenting an integral bond of around 1.2 billion Hindus in the world with the Holy river Ganges in India.The film presents the spiritual as well as the adventurous importance of Ganges for global audience. **Synopsis: Every Hindu is born with a part of Ganga in him. He may be born in any part of World, may live in another part of world, but when he dies, he wishes his mortal remains to be immersed in the holy water of Ganga. This is an Indian's relationship with Ganges. **Creative Team  * Hosted by: Sunil Babbar  * Written by: Bharati Babbar  * Produced by: Pomy Films  * Cinematography/Edited/Directed by: S...

जहां जहां चरण पड़े रघुवर के

  अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेता फिल्म अभिनेता/निर्देशक सुनील बब्बर ने अंग्रेजी और हिंदी भाषाओं में "जहां जहां चरण पड़े रघुवर के" नामक एक मेगा वेब श्रृंखला शुरू की, जो भगवान श्री राम, सीता जी और लक्ष्मण जी के 14 साल के वनवास की अवधि पर आधारित है। मेगा सीरीज़ की शूटिंग 3 अक्टूबर, 2024 से शुरू होगी और इसमें श्री अयोध्या से श्रीलंका और वापस श्री अयोध्या तक की आध्यात्मिक यात्रा को कवर किया जाएगा। मेगा वेब सीरीज़ की मेजबानी और निर्देशन सुनील बब्बर द्वारा किया गया है और जय शंकर त्रिपाठी द्वारा निर्मित है। शोध डॉ.राम गोपाल सोनी ने किया है।